Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Well I Am Back About The Mac!

Well, you might have wondered where I’ve been. (At least one or two of you, lol) I have been very busy the last few days working and playing with my new iMac. I still haven’t gotten in all of the software. Apple messed up with the addressing and left the street address off of every package. I have had to call FedEx on every one of them to keep them from being sent back.

It is 2:33 AM right now. Got up because i couldn’t go back to sleep. I got to thinking about this stupid Judge over in Hudspeth County. My daughter got a summons for jury duty. Well, it is about 70 miles, 30 of which is through the desert. Very rough roads. She doesn’t have transportation and she called up to let them know. He told her he didn’t care if she had to walk all the way, she better show up or go to jail! Sometimes I wonder just who these people think they are? America! Where have you gone? I am trying to keep a Christian attitude about this thing, but I would rather have an ‘Old Testament’ attitude!

Anyway, this is supposed to be about the iMac. Forgive my little rant, please.

I have finally gotten almost all of my ‘stuff’ ported over from the PC. I could have used some of the automatic software that is out there, but I guess I just wanted to do it the hard way. The biggest problem I have had with it, is getting the email program to work right. I don’t know why, but it seems that this has always been one of my biggest problems. I know its simple, because I did it in the past, but it just hasn’t hit home yet. I have gotten some of them to work, but still working on others. Fortunately I loaded on FM Ware Fusion. I didn’t want to spend the $200-$300 it would cost to put a new copy of Microsoft’s Windows XP on it, so I used an old copy of Windows 2000 that I had left over from a computer that bit the
dust. I figure that I paid for the right to use it on ‘one’ computer. So, I am using it on ‘one’ computer.

Anyway, it loaded up in Fusion’s Virtual Computer like a dream. It was very simple and it works grate! So I am using Thunderbird From Mozilla to get most of my email. By using Ypops, I can even get my email off of Yahoo without having to go through a browser. So at least in the mean time I have that problem taken care of, even though it is not really how I want it. But I will figure it out.

I have been playing around with some of the software on it and will be putting up some of my thoughts on it soon. But for now I think I am going to go back to bed and see if I can get some sleep. Got to get up in three hours.


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