Thursday, September 20, 2007

Why do people hate Jury Duty?

I had something happen to me the other day that really got me thinking. Why do people, including myself hate the idea of being called for Jury Duty? I would almost bet if you took 10 people off the street and asked them, nine out of ten of them would tell you that if they were called, they would try to find a way out of it. In fact the number would probably be higher.

Everybody you talk to has an excuse or a ‘reason’ that they wouldn’t want to serve, but I wonder how many of them really know the reason? I think they do in their subconscious mind, but I really doubt if they ever really thought it out and know the real reason. I know I didn’t until just recently.

I guess it started back a couple of months ago. I live out in the desert. It is about 20 miles to the highway and most of that is on very bad roads. Once you get to the highway, its another 65 miles to the County Seat. We I got a summons for Jury duty. Now it was in the middle of our rainy season. Out here in the desert the rainy season can be treacherous. Our road become canals and sometimes can have ravines created in them. There are some people who can’t get out for weeks. Well I called the court house and told them my situation. The Clerk called me back and told me that the Judge said he didn’t care and that if I didn’t show up, there would be a warrant issued on me.

Needless to say, I was just a little p**sed! It is a good thing that I have a big truck with 4 wheel drive. The water was over two feet in some places. Anyway I arrived on time. I got the chance to talk to the Judge and told him about a medical problem that I have (I really do) and he excused me.

The next thing I know my daughter gets a summons and she doesn’t have a car. She called up and told them and the Judge told her that he didn’t care. If she had to walk to the courthouse she better be there or go to jail! Now I am really mad! After all, who does this JERK think he is?

I stayed up all night fussing and fuming over this thing until it finally hit me! It wasn’t the fact that we run a ranch out here and have chores that HAVE to be done! It wasn’t any of the reasons that I had worked through that made me so mad. It all had to do with FREEDOM!

Being called to Jury Duty is the one biggest offense that that the Government has place upon the Citizens of this Country that screams the fact that we are not free!

Here in America everybody ‘prides’ themselves on being free! Well we were years ago, but those days have long since passed away! But at least we can ‘pretend’ that we are free.... until we get that summons calling us to Jury Duty! Then there is no way around it. We can’t pretend any longer. It hits us full in the face! We are not free!

Stay tuned for part two. Why we should want to be a juror.

Rick Davis


me said...

Interesting take Rick! Perhaps people don't want to do jury duty because we has humans have faults. Therefore do we have the right to judge others for their wrong doings? Perhaps in our subconscious that's what we're thinking and feeling. As far as freedom in concerned, I've lived in countries where as I child I couldn't participate in certain sport events like my brother because I was a girl. So I think our freedom as a US citizen is precious

Great blog Rick. I hadn't checked it out yet. Glad to see my recipe site is up on your favorites list!

Rick Davis said...

Thanks, Thanita, for your comments. At my age, I can remember back as a child and I have seen our freedoms in this country slowly being taken away. I Love America and I would just hope that some way I could get people to wake up to it before we lose what we have. God Bless and thanks again.
Oh, by the way, I really do like your Weblog.

Unknown said...

RICK, I HOPE YOU WILL READ THIS!!That is exactly 100 percent how i feel about jury duty, I cannot beleive that someone has actually the same thoughts as I do on this ;I am astounded. I should call you "bro" if I were a guy I would lol but I'm a woman so I'll just call you an independent thinker. There are far too many people in United States who are afraid to speak up for thier rights and/or not able to think out of the little box so to pun intended ie:(jury box) Yesterday I was chosen to be on a jury as the number 2 jurer, (no name just #2 jurer)I told the judge that I had a problem with being a fair and impartial jurer for personal reasons that I was not going to disclose to either her or the lawyers in court either, I could tell you exactly how my plan worked but not here. You cannot fight ***their*** way, you have to be creative. I heard so many sob stories while i sat around yesterday and talked to many potential jurers as I waited in that hot courthouse and I made up my plan, sure enough they chose me, I knew they would as I am also clairvoyant and i knew I would be chosen weeks ago. I am not originally from US, but am a proud citizen, I am not proud however that so many people let themselves get stepped on like this. Speak up stand up America! There are many people who would love to do jury duty and could use 15 dollars a day, not me, but perhaps someone on welfare or someone who's unemployed and will not lose hundreds of $ and customers each day. I realize that jurer pay is not even minimum wage but nothing is said about that, it's criminal lol. I have seen dramatic changes here since the early 1960's and I'm glad that there are other people noticing too. They threaten you will a fine of a thousand or so dollars if you do not appear and they make people fearful to stand up, that is not freedom. That kind of sounds like Iraq. Next thing you know they will take away the internet and make us wear burkas, will anyone stand up and fight.

Anonymous said...

A court is suppose to be a "jury of peers" and according to definition a "peer" is "A person who has equal standing with another or others, as in rank, class, or age". Pretty positive the person on trial is definitely not a peer of mine

Anonymous said...

I think judges are assholes. I'll be serving in the military in a few months, and I got a call for jury duty. Most rational people can respect someone putting their life on the line to serve their country, but judges are so arrogant that they feel jury duty is more important.

I'm also a lawyer, and will be giving up my lawyer salary to serve in the military. I really don't want to hear it from any "civic duty" cheerleaders. America has lost most of its freedoms because all the stupid cheerleaders enable the government to steal them from the rest of us.

After I get my service done there's a good chance I don't come back into the US, and maybe jury duty is a part of that. Anybody that serves in the military should get a lifetime get out of jury duty free card, they've done enough.

Anonymous said...

Holy shit. I could feel my brain absorbing the stupid that came after reading this. If we did not have a jury by peers, the government would be in charge of putting people in jail or letting them walk free. If it were up to the government they would probably jail you even if they had the slightest doubt of your innocense. We use a jury by peers to keep the government in check. God sometimes I'm ashamed to call myself American because of people like you.

Paul said...

I just finished jury duty myself. We were asked to intervene in the private affairs of a family. Being the only bright guy (and apparently the only non employee business owner/operator) in the group while the housewives were dismissed, I took significant offense, especially when the judge said that "hardship to a business is a trivial matter." I know I'd be partial, and I'd have loved to nullify a bad law.

Instead, I get a civil case, with only maybe 3 other jurors able to reason. One threatens my safety because some socialist from california didn't like my attitude. Well sorry honey, if we had followed the logic steps I drew on the board to prove and disprove the case, we'd be done in a half hour to an hour, not 6 to 8 hours of deliberation all to prove EXACTLY what I outlined at the beginning. Seeing the kind of emotional IDIOTS and the breadth of people they allow (rather FORCE) on juries... I am disgusted, but for different reasons. There should be a competence test, if you cannot reason your way out of a cardboard box, or only look at what is in front of you, without being able to draw real inferences, GTFO... Unfortunately, the questions (this case was unusual in that they only checked if people might actually have biases, so somehow I didn't get struck from the roster as early as I would in an abusive cop / unlawful arrest case) are usually used to select the most incompetent jury possible to convict some poor guy of some bullshit arbitrary regulation that some asshat came up with so he could look "tough on crime" and get reelected. We've gotten to the point where rules outnumber the people. Been considering leaving the country myself. Pity I invested so much of my resources in my business. Otherwise I'd have cashed out and left the moment I got a bad inkling.

More and more of the smart ones are expatriating, and I can't say as I blame them. Problem is the control freaks have spread everywhere. And they're willing to kill a lot of innocents to keep that control. Remember Officer Safety and Continuity of Government are their primary objectives. Everything else (Submitizen Safety and Wellbeing for example) isn't even on the radar anymore... just look at what they OK as food and drugs these days...